shelf above kitchen sink

09 June 2011

Our kitchen has a nifty little shelf above the kitchen windows. The previous owners had some stencil action going on up there, but we were ready for something different.
kitchen before 1
We had a little beadboard wallpaper left from this project and this project. Man, have we gotten our mileage from that roll!march 2011 041 1

I started putting it up, and then realized we were not going to  have enough:march 2011 043 1
Enter a little $2 globe from the YMCA thrift store:march 2011 045 1
Thank you, little globe for playing cover up~you mean the world to our kitchen! (ha!)june 2011 038 1   
I painted the beadboard wallpaper the same color as our back entryway, and have been putting my collection of white vases from thrift stores and yard sales. I haven’t paid more than $1 for any of them, except the white pitcher is from Target for around $10? Nate says that collections look more un-clutterish if they are all the same color, so I am trusting him. (ok, maybe he didn’t use that word) I have a dream of someday putting flowers in ALL of them for a special occasion.
june 2011 037 1
june 2011 042 1
I’ve been trying out some curtains, and am having some second thoughts….I’ll ask you what you think tomorrow. AND I made a light fixture to go above the sink. Yikes…
Happy Thursday~