they are going to turn us in…

21 April 2010

I know they are. Our neighbors are going to turn us into one of those hoarders shows because our garage looks like this: april 2010 052The garage door can barely close. Bob, the bus driver yells out to me when he drops off the kids in the afternoon, “ya think ya can fit anything else in that garage??” Very funny, Bob.

And then they see me unloading my van and shoving things inside like doors from garbages and old chairs and headboards and shutters and comforters from Target that were on clearance and I know they think it’s a disease.
She’s trying to fill some lonely void with all this garbage and junk. The 5 kids have finally sent her over the edge. Poor girl.
april 2010 059 april 2010 058 april 2010 055 Should I tell them that we’re finishing our basement (it’s almost there!) and half our house is in the garage? Or should I go over with the shakes and say, “ you have any junk you want to get rid of?”