penny tile cabinet backs

18 July 2011

I came across this penny tile over a year ago, and fell in love. I was actually thinking of using it for my entire backsplash in my kitchen, but after talking it over with some wise women I decided to just stick with classic white that would allow me to change my mind about color combos in 7 months or 7 years.

So, instead….I decided to tile the back of one of my kitchen cabinets.

I was inspired by this kitchen from Tom Scheerer in House Beautiful that I featured in a Caught My Eye last year.

I wanted something easy and removable in case it turned into a total disaster and a guy at the home store said this stuff should do the trick. It’s called Bondera~basically you just cut it with scissors, peel off the back,

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put the sticky side against the wall,

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peel off the film to reveal more stickiness

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put your sheets of tile (cut them with scissors to the right size around the penny tiles) up onto the sticky mesh side (it totally holds it by itself)

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I was actually pretty impressed and no, I don’t have any kind of deal with this company, but it’s the fastest tile job I’ve ever done. Let it sit 24 hours, and then you can grout. Now, it is kind of pricey~around $40 a roll (this project took 1 roll exactly) I think? BUT I have seen similar products coming out so prices should actually come down on these…

I almost like it better without the grout!

march 2011 015 1

I’m going back and forth between an open cabinet or glass doors (just on this one middle cabinet)…any  opinions?

july 2011 017 1

So thrilled that I got my penny tile! White subway tile on the main backsplash is coming…
