autumn walk

28 October 2010

So, for the past few weeks, I was watching the leaves begin to change and I kept thinking, “okay, this is nice, but where is the autumn in Virginia that everyone can’t stop talking about?”
Then, last week something amazing happened. I can’t believe what’s around us! 
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Where we live, there are no sidewalks, but they have built a series of connecting paths behind the neighborhoods. It was so gorgeous, we left the stroller and I just let them run:october 2010 075 3
Spencer! Hold your brother’s hand!october 2010 080 1
melts my heart. sometimes you have to force cherished photos.
thank you! yes, now you can run:october 2010 085 1  october 2010 096 1october 2010 106 1
you think that’s the last fall foliage picture you’ll see?? No way. I’ve been toting my camera around everywhere, screeching on the brakes, parking in illegal zones, taking my mom mobile off road, and having people shaking their heads wondering what in the hey I’m doing. It’s too gorgeous not to capture. I feel like I should have a bumper sticker:
It’s her first autumn in Virginia…just keep moving.