When I opened an email from Williams Sonoma a few weeks ago and saw this glass hurricane, it took my breath away:
Isn't it gorgeous? I loved it.
So, of course it was on my mind. I wish I could empty my brain sometimes, but alas, it was smashed in there along with other useful tidbits of information that I want to remember later, like did you know you're only supposed to run cold water in your garbage disposal to make it last longer?
Anyway! Stay on track, Melissa...
I was picking up some Christmas goodies at the Dollar Tree, and look what I found in the candle/glassware aisle:hurricanes, candlesticks, and white candles.

Do you see where this is going?
First, remove the tags.

Then, take the candlestick, put some hot glue around the top rim, and place the hurricane on top of it, looking down into the hurricane vase to be sure it's centered.
I love that the Dollar Tree has these hurricanes! Then, take your white skinny candle (next to the saints candles in the aisle), put some hot glue or E6000 craft glue on that and stick it in the hurricane.
Then, go out and find some pretty leaves from a tree, or use fake ones. I chose to use brown, cuz that's what William used, and it's very Thanksgiving-ish
and let them fall gently between the candle and the hurricane
Trim your wicks down, light your candles,
and love that you spent only about 15 minutes, and $3 each, instead of WS $80 ones!

I'm not hosting Thanksgiving dinner this year, but wouldn't these look lovely on your holiday table? Or as a hostess gift?
All of the supplies were at the Dollar Tree, I noticed that Hob Lob had some glass candle holders that looked almost exactly like the Williams Sonoma bases, so for a few more dollars you could get closer to that look.
I can't wait to change out the leaves for red berries at Christmas, spring blossoms in the spring, or lemon leaves in the summer.
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Do you see where this is going?
First, remove the tags.

Then, take the candlestick, put some hot glue around the top rim, and place the hurricane on top of it, looking down into the hurricane vase to be sure it's centered.

I'm not hosting Thanksgiving dinner this year, but wouldn't these look lovely on your holiday table? Or as a hostess gift?

I can't wait to change out the leaves for red berries at Christmas, spring blossoms in the spring, or lemon leaves in the summer.
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