a lampapalooza

28 May 2009

You know whenever Nester hosts a party, it's going to be a good time! I'm joining her lampapalooza today:

I had a lamp in my family room that needed a little ooomph, a little somefin. It kind of just blends in with the walls behind it. I got it at Target a few years ago at their Global Bazaar clearance. (it would also help to have it in focus)

Anyway, I saw Amanda's, and loved what she did by simply tying a ribbon around hers, but I couldn't find a big, fat ribbon that I loved. Soooo, here's what I did with no sewing and without too much fuss:
1. I ran over to the Hob Lob and bought 3/8 of a yard of fabric. Total price: S2.38. Then, cut it (tore it, actually) down the middle. It's best if you choose one that is the same on both sides.
2. Then, tie the knot in the back against the wall to bring the two pieces together so you'll have a piece that's long enough for a big lampshade. If you have a small shade you probably can get by without having to tie two pieces together.

3. Bring it around front, tie a big old knot (or bow if you prefer)

4. Tuck the frayed edges under, cut stray strings, and just kind of froof it. I also added a few dabs of hot glue here and there to make it stay where you want.

That's it! Much better, don't you think??

I have been a slacker about reminding you of the big paint party, one week from today!

It's called "my favorite paint color," and I hope you will all come join. Everyone will be sharing their favorite, secret paint colors, complete with pictures. So far, I've gotten RSVP's from Layla, Rhoda, Julia, Kimm, Sarah, AnNicole, Amanda, Tricia Anne, Shannon, Debbie, Sofia, Jenelle, Sarah M, Mandi, Wendy
I cannot wait to see what y'all have to share. I would love to see you there!

Have a great Thursday~