what else can I break??

20 April 2009

How about a sink? Have you ever broken a sink before?
Oh, goodness, I'll tell you the ugly story:

On Thursday I'm trying to put finishing touches in the bathroom~hanging the mirrors, etc. I found these knobs at Hobby Lobby for $2 and thought they would look great to "hang" the mirrors from with some big fat ribbon. (hang the mirrors, and then make it look like they were hanging from these:)

They are big, fat, beautiful and heavy. So, I hung the mirrors, and then I wanted to position the ribbon and the knobs just right, so I took the screws out and put a bunch of hot glue on the back to hold them in place while I hung the ribbon. I wanted my husband to help me put the screws in with some drywall anchors later. Well, of course there were a million other things going on that day: pricing everything for the yard sale, getting it over to my friend's house for the sale, my daughter had a performance at a PTA meeting, and then on top of it, we had our first tornado watch since we've been in Texas. I've never seen such big hail in my life and there were some twisters outside of town that were coming down from wall clouds they were worried would touch down. Yikes!
I completely forgot about my knobs hot glued up there. There was really loud thunder and lightning all night and sometime in the middle of the night I heard a big *crash.* I was exhausted and out of it and thought it was thunder. My husband was in the kitchen burning the midnight oil preparing for classes the next day and heard it and came in and asked if everything was ok, I said yea, it was just thunder. I wake up the next morning groggy-eyed and see a big black mark in the sink:
I go to wipe it off, but my finger goes right through it!! Yes, it was a hole. That beautiful knob fell from way up high, and smashed right through the sink. I'm sure the humidity from the thunderstorm didn't help anything either. The knob didn't have a mark on it, but the sink sure did. Ugghhhh. Adventures of Melissa in re-modeling...
The yard sale was a huge success, but guess where my money will be going?
a new sink.
I don't know if you can see in the picture, but there are cracks all around it, so I think fixing it is out of the question.
Do you think those knobs will be going up?? Oh no, I'm afraid they are banished from the house.

I'll have some "Having a Yard Sale" posts up later this week....I'm not going to break anything else, I'm not going to break anything else...