Back to the Dollar Tree...

15 September 2008

I thought my fall decorating fun from the Dollar Tree was over, until I found this cute, cheap project from Joy. She is queen of brilliant beautifulness from the dollar store and spray paint~go check her out! Another blog to fall in love with and follow...

So, back to my Dollar Tree I went to get those frames with 3 openings. Joy printed hers on copied newspaper, but I don't have a copier, so I just printed onto some fall scrapbook paper. I used "Jackinput" font at 236 size.

give your assistant a few candy corns for helping...


and tada!

Oh, and while you are are some more things you can spend dollars on...(should the Dollar Tree be paying us for advertising or what??) along with the crows, the wheat, the pumpkins, the candlesticks...

cute frame and another white pumpkin (pinecones are courtesy of my neighbor's tree)

moss balls! (wire basket is from a yard sale) They were just unloading these babies...

Someone on Joy's blog suggested picking up a few extra frames to put JOY in at Christmas...I'm thinking they would be cute spray painted white....oh, the possiblities!

Thanks again, Joy!